An irregularly updated blog when I have time or the inclination!

April Fools!

Gemma! What are you doing starting a blog? So… Many years ago, almost ten years ago even. I had a bet with a friend that we would start a blog and make each other accountable for regularly posting, we never did (Thanks, Colin). Since then, every New Year’s resolution, it has been a resolution to start one. This year I actually paid for the hosting because although I don’t mind breaking promises to myself, I do hate paying for things I don’t use. So… here we are.

This is going to be an exclusively Riichi mahjong blog. I won’t talk about my life or my loves etc. But I will write about strategy and my mahjong trips.

I will also keep my articles very short. I’m a foe of the wall of text. We all just read stuff on our phone these days during snatched moments. I got you. Unless your bowels are particularly disadvantaged, my articles will be the right length for you!

Keep playing mahjong! It’s the only game worth playing!

Suji Safety