An irregularly updated blog when I have time or the inclination!



It’s obvious you have to concentrate to be good at riichi mahjong - right? It’s so obvious we don’t talk about it… You’re stuck in a gully with your game and you immediately reach to game analysis and strategy discussions. However, first consider your concentration.

Concentration can be particularly difficult when we’re playing online. A hundred and one things are all vying for our attention. Modern life has normalized constant multi-tasking. However, every little bit of your attention directed elsewhere is a drag on your game performance.

Some signs that you’re not concentrating:

1) Realizing what the dora is a few discards (or more!) into a hand

2) Being surprised at another player’s ron

3) Noticing you actually had a complete safe tile that you should have discarded when folding

Of course, there are plenty more telltale flags that you need to get your mind back in the game. The solution should be easy… just focus! But I think the problem can run a bit deeper than that. A lack of concentration can be about your environment and the habits you’ve built into your game.

Let’s assume the problem is mainly when you play online. What steps can you take?

First, take a look at your environment. Is there a phone flashing notifications on the desk next to you? Do you have discord on your second screen? Latest Netflix binge show on in the background? You may think online riichi gives you the time to catch up on your latest podcast but it doesn't. If you want to play at your best performance, you need to remove ALL of these distractions. That includes closing all of those open browser tabs…

Second, what habits do you have when you sit down to play? Do you try to squeeze a few games in between appointments and obligations? It means your mind is subconsciously planning the next thing you have to do. Do you play to “unwind”? Riichi is really not a game for unwinding… You’re telling your brain to relax while also asking to calculate pi to many many digits. You need to properly carve out time in your schedule. Don’t just pop on because you have a spare few hours. Schedule it in and tell yourself, this is the only thing on your plate for the next few hours.

Third, now you’re in a game. Where are your eyes? Are they looking at the tiles or do you find that your mind has wondered and the timer beep is what drags you back in? I think this is a common problem. The method I use to keep my mind where it should be is saying out loud the name of each tile as it is discarded. This may seem overkill but it can be quite meditative and it makes sure you’re entirely focused on the task ahead.

Finally, the riichi button is not an opportunity to grab a drink or pop to the loo (use the restroom for the Americans out there)! If you do that, you’re letting your brain know that it can be used as a ‘take a break’ button. Then you’re not forcing your brain to really think of the wisdom of calling riichi there. Instead it’s thinking, ‘if I press the button, I can grab a snack’. Your concentration has been compromised! Don’t let that happen.

Maybe some of this is obvious. Even if it is, maybe you haven’t internalized it. I hope it helps!

Let me know if you have any “compromised concentration” flags!

That's a wrap!

That's a wrap!

Inside out or outside in

Inside out or outside in